Change Log
Here you will find detailed information about changes that were made on each release of Run. Changes and Run versions are sorted in reverse chronological order.
To access information about changes for specific Run releases, use these shortcut links:
Administration runner's settings now don't show runner's password sha1 - the password fields are empty and unless the user enters a new password, they keep their current one.
Files affected: runnersettings.php, editrunner.php.
Date of change: 18.5.2005
Administration fixed password checking bug.
Files affected: adminsettings.php.
Date of change: 17.5.2005
Installation fixed the bug in the install script that prevented the creation of the Shoes table (a missing closing parentheses) and an error in query which created the administrator's account (an extra parentheses).
Files affected: mysql/CleanInstall08.php, mysql/Upgrade073-08.php.
Date of change: 16.5.2005
Application fixed a bug that prevented the Run to be used in directories other than root web directory. Now Run works in whichever directory accessible on your web server.
Files affected: system/environment.php, display.php.
Date of change: 16.5.2005
Shoe Management when displaying shoe notes, line breaks were ignored. nl2br was applied to fix the problem.
Files affected: shoes.php.
Date of change: 7.5.2005
Main Display bug fix that was the culprit behind inacurate notes display in summary view mode.
Files affected: display.php.
Date of change: 4.5.2005
Run 0.8
Installation/Upgrade: install and upgrade scripts were made.
Files affected: install/CleanInstall08.php, install/Upgrade073-08.php.
Date of change: 3.5.2005
Administration: runners can now choose between two different modes for viewing their logs: full and summary. Full view displays all data, while summary will show only a summary for each run. File details.php is used for displaying run details in full view mode.
Files affected: administrator.php, addnewrunner.php, runnersettings.php, editrunner.php, display.php, details.php.
Date of change: 3.5.2005
Main Display: removed bug that caused invalid data display when using previous/next month links for displaying data. What was wrong was that simply adding and subtracting month digits caused confusion in mysql queries when single digit month numbers for January and February were in question and thus all months containing digits 1 or 2 would show up for the viewing year, and not just the requested month.
Files affected: display.php.
Date of change: 28.4.2005
Shoe Management: shoe edit link is now displayed in the same way as runner edit in administrators interface. This change was made for the sake of GUI consistency.
Files affected: shoes.php, system/style.css.
Date of change: 23.4.2005
Main Display: detail of date information for logged runs is now determined by the selection criteria.
Files affected: display.php.
Date of change: 23.4.2005
Administration: total and average distance and time is calculated for the selected runner's last ten runs.
Files affected: administration.php
Date of change: 23.4.2005
Shoe Management: added a bunch of shoe makers.
Files affected: system/functions.php.
Date of change: 14.4.2005
Main Display/Administration: even rows of logged runs are displayed with a different background color. Same goes for the last ten runs for each runner in the administrative interface. Added a function to system/functions.php to find out which rows are odd and which are even. Also a few styles were added.
Files affected: display.php, administration.php, system/style.css, system/functions.php.
Date of change: 13.4.2005
Application: before if runner existed but was not active they just couldn't login and message saying that the username-password combination entered is not correct was displayed. Now, inactive runners still cannot login, but they get the message saying that their account is inactive.
Files affected: index.php
Date of change: 12.4.2005
Shoe Management: since shoesactive.php and shoesretired.php are practically the same files that differ only in small details, I have prepared one file that will work for displaying both active and retired shoes.
Files affected: shoes.php, shoesedit.php, shoesadd.php, display.php.
Date of change: 7.4.2005
Shoe Management: all distance units, distances, and Shoe Wear Bar length are now displayed according to each runner's distance unit settings. If running distances are stored in both miles and kilometers, one or the other are converted in the preset unit and a sum is displayed. Also shoeWearBar function was augumented to serve well.
Files affected: shoesactive.php, shoesretired.php, system/functions.php.
Date of change: 7.4.2005
Main Display: total and average distances in the main display window are now displayed in the distance measurement unit selected in the settings for each runner. If running distances are stored in both miles and kilometers, one or the other are converted in the preset unit and a sum is displayed.
Files affected: display.php.
Date of change: 7.4.2005
Administration: when adding a new runner, preffered measurement units can be selected now. Also measurement units functions had to be adjusted a bit for that.
Files affected: addnewrunner.php, editrunner.php, system/functions.php.
Date of change: 6.4.2005
Shoe Management: new styles have been adopeted with divs instead of tables. A first/last shoe use date bug was fixed, which means that now when either first or last day of use for the shoe is not present in the shoes table is entered automatically.
Files affected: shoesadd.php, shoesactive.php, shoesretired.php, shoesedit.php.
Date of change: 5.4.2005
Log a Run/Edit an Entry: all measurement units are now displayed in the drop-down menu with property "selected". New styles have been adopted with divs instead of tables.
Files affected: logrun.php, edit.php, display.php.
Date of change: 5.4.2005
Pace/Splits Calculators: runners can now choose between kilometers and miles when using the splits calculator as well. Also, both pace and splits calculators pick user's preference for distance measurement unit from Runners table and display option of their choice upon opening of the calculator. New styles have been adopted with divs instead of tables.
Files affected: pace.php, splits.php, display.php.
Date of change: 5.4.2005
System: file system/environment.php was updated a bit and now includes a procedure where measurement units from the Runners table are stored into the array $units: ['0'] holds distance unit, ['1'] holds temperature unit and ['2'] holds weight unit.
Files affected: system/environment.php.
Date of change: 5.4.2005
Pace Calculator: runners can now choose between kilometers and miles for all pace calculations.
Files affected: pace.php, system/functions.php.
Date of change: 4.4.2005
Units: six new functions were added to system/functions.php which are used for measurement units drop-down menu generation.
Files affected: system/functions.php.
Date of change: 3.4.2005
Units: runners can now select in which units they would like to input their data. This is now implemented so that it gets entered into the database and the setting is reflected in runner settings and log a run.
Files affected: runnersettings.php, logrun.php, editrunner.php.
Date of change: 3.4.2005
User Settings: every runner can now change some of their own settings, such as are password, date of birth, gender, etc.
Files affected: runnersettings.php, display.php.
Date of change: 3.4.2005
Administration: runners can now be deleted. When a runner is deleted all their running data is deleted.
Files affected: editrunner.php.
Date of change: 30.3.2005
Administration: inactive users cannot log in. All inactive users that want to log in, must first be activated.
Files affected: index.php.
Date of change: 30.3.2005
Main Display: if no data matches desired criteria, a message saying so shows up instead of an empty table. Also total and average information is set to 0.
Files affected: display.php.
Date of change: 30.3.2005
Main Display: data selection and time criteria was changed and previous/next month/year navigation was added.
Files affected: display.php.
Date of change: 30.3.2005
Splits Calculator: number of chosen distance legs is now displayed along with other splits data.
Files affected: splits.php.
Date of change: 29.3.2005
Functions: if date entry is 0000-00-00, Run now returns a friendly notice that date information is not available.
Files affected: system/functions.php.
Date of change: 29.3.2005
Main Display: main display page changed. Only a summary for each run is shown.
Files affected: display.php.
Date of change: 29.3.2005
Administration: moved admin functions to system/functions.php and made some minor changes to all admin files.
Files affected: system/functions.php, administrator.php, editrunner.php, addnewrunner.php, adminsettings.php.
Date of change: 28.3.2005
Shoe Management: made all neccessary change so that the Shoe Management works with the new database structure.
Files affected: shoesactive.php, shoesretired.php, shoesadd.php, shoesedit.php.
Date of change: 26.3.2005
Administration: made all neccessary changes so that the new administration system developed in the RunLab works with the new database structure and with other older Run files.
Files affected: administrator.php, editrunner.php.
Date of change: 26.3.2005
Log a Run: enlarged the Notes input window.
Files affected: logrun.php, edit.php, system/navigation.php.
Date of change: 25.3.2005
Log a Run: added drop-down menus for different measurement systems. Now distance can be entered in either kilometers (km) or miles (mi), temperature can be entered in either degrees celsius (C) or fahrenheit (F), and weight can be entered in either kilograms (kg), pounds (lb) and stones (st).
Files affected: logrun.php, edit.php.
Date of change: 25.3.2005
Application: changed everything that was neccessary to reflect the new database and tables structures.
Files affected: display.php, edit.php, logrun.php.
Date of change: 25.3.2005
Application: file environment includes all information that is used to set up the Run php/mysql environment, such as: error reporting levels, which database to connect to, and assigning cookies.
Files affected: system/environment.php.
Date of change: 25.3.2005
Application: wrote script that creates Runners and RunningLogs tables in the Run database. Runners is from Run 0.8 version used for storing all runners information while RunningLogs table holds all information about runs. This script also alters the name of Runner column in Shoes table to RunnerID and picks all useful info about runners and places it into Runners table.
Files affected: mysql/MysqlUpdates08.php
Date of change: 25.3.2005
Application: changed Runner to RunnerID column in Shoes table and changed all files that call Shoes table.
Files affected: display.php, shoesedit.php, shoesadd.php, shoesactive.php, shoesretired.php, edit.php, logrun.php.
Date of change: 25.3.2005
Run 0.7.3
Application: all $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS were changed to $_COOKIE.
Files affected: display.php, index.php, shoesedit.php, shoesactive.php, shoesadd.php, shoesretired.php, delete.php, edit.php, logrun.php.
Date of change: 25.2.2005
Application: at the bottom of main display window average values for selected period are displayed: average time and distance of run.
Files affected: display.php.
Date of change: 25.2.2005
Shoe Management: if dates of first and last usage are neither in user's nor in shoes table, when viewing retired shoes, "This shoe has not been used yet." message is displayed.
Files affected: shoesretired.php.
Date of change: 25.2.2005
Shoe Management: if name of the shoe is changed (ShoeName), all run log entries when this shoe has been used are updated with this shoe name change.
Files affected: shoesedit.php.
Date of change: 25.2.2005
Shoe Management: if dates of first and last usage are neither in user's nor in shoes table, when viewing active shoes, "This shoe has not been used yet." message is displayed.
Files affected: shoesactive.php, system/functions.php.
Date of change: 24.2.2005
Shoe Management: when editing shoes, shoe name and both first and last run dates are checked. If a shoe with the same name already exists or if the dates are wrong, user is warned and data cannot be entered into the database.
Files affected: shoesedit.php.
Date of change: 24.2.2005
Shoe Management: fixed Delete This Shoe bug. When Delete This Shoe was clicked in the Shoe Management, a run log entry with the same ID was deleted instead of shoe. This is now fixed.
Files affected: shoesedit.php.
Date of change: 24.2.2005
Application: stripslashes() function added to all text box fields and all fields that print a user input value from the database.
Files affected: edit.php, display.php, shoesactive.php, shoesretired.php.
Date of change: 22.2.2005
Application: system/functions.php gets an addition: Shoe Wear Bar function that selects the color of Shoe Wear Bar according to how worn the shoes are.
Files affected: system/functions.php.
Date of change: 22.2.2005
Log a Run: time input has changed. Now users do not have to manually input date into a text box, but choose the time of their run from three drop-down menus: hours, minutes and seconds.
Files affected: logarun.php, edit.php.
Date of change: 22.2.2005
Shoe Management: all date displays have been changed to user-friendly format. Which means that dates are no longer displayed in format YYYY-MM-DD, but 22nd February 2005 format instead.
Files affected: shoesretired.php, shoesactive.php.
Date of change: 22.2.2005
Shoe Management: date input has changed. Now users do not have to manually input date into a text box, but choose the appropriate date for the first and last day of shoe usage from drop-down menus.
Files affected: shoesedit.php.
Date of change: 22.2.2005
Shoe Management: when showing retired shoes last run date was not shown correctly due to an error in variable assignment. This bug affected only display of date not the date data itself.
Files affected: shoesretired.php.
Date of change: 22.2.2005
Log a Run: date input has changed. Now users do not have to manually input date into a text box, but choose the date of their run from three drop-down menus: day, month and year.
Files affected: logrun.php, edit.php.
Date of change: 21.2.2005
Application: added system/functions.php file where all functions are stored. For now only date and time related functions have been added, but more can be expected in the future.
Files affected: system/functions.php.
Date of change: 21.2.2005
Pace Calculator - Splits Calculator: wording on the button was changed from "Calculate Time" to "Calculate Splits."
Files affected: splits.php.
Date of change: 20.2.2005
Shoe Management: added the following shoe brands: Columbia, Asolo, Vasque, Etonic, The North Face, Loco, and "Other" in casenone of the above match. Submit and Wipe buttons are flushed left.
Files affected: shoesadd.php, shoesedit.php.
Date of change: 20.2.2005
Edit: Submit and Wipe buttons are flushed left and the title in the file (below the username) was changed from "Log a Run" to "Edit and Entry". Removed "Track" from the Run Type drop-down menu.
Files affected: edit.php.
Date of change: 20.2.2005
Log a Run: Submit and Wipe buttons are flushed left. Removed "Track" from the Run Type drop-down menu.
Files affected: logrun.php.
Date of change: 20.2.2005
Application: all $HTTP_POST_VARS, $HTTP_GET_VARS and $PHP_SELF were changed to $_POST, $_GET and $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] accordingly.
Files affected: display.php, edit.php, index.php, logrun.php, pace.php, shoesadd.php, shoesedit.php, splits.php.
Date of change: 20.2.2005
Application: head file has been added (system/head.php) that takes care of all information that should be stored in every html head.
Files affected: system/head.php, delete.php, display.php, edit.php, index.php, logrun.php, logarun.php, pace.php, shoesactive.php, shoesadd.php, shoesretired.php, shoesedit.php, splits.php.
Date of change: 20.2.2005
Application: configuration file was renamed from configuration to configuration.php so that the browser does not render the file as a regular text file, but as a php file and thus doesn't display anything.
Files affected: system/configuration.php, system/head.php, delete.php, display.php, edit.php, index.php, logrun.php, logarun.php, pace.php, shoesactive.php, shoesadd.php, shoesretired.php, shoesedit.php, splits.php.
Date of change: 20.2.2005
Application: favorite icon added.
Files affected: favico.ico
Date of change: 20.2.2005
Application: funcions file has been added (systems/functions.php) where many commonly used functions are stored. Currently the following functions are stored here:
- generateDays (generates days of months for drop-down menus),
- generateMonths (generates names and number values of months for drop-down menus),
- generateYears (generates years for drop-down menus),
- dateFormat (formats date from 20 February 2005 into 2005-02-20 for database input),
- datum (reformats all dates data from YYYY-MM-DD to DDth Month Year),
- generateHours (generates 48 hours for drop-down menus),
- generateMinSec (generates from 0 to 59 minutes and seconds for drop-down menus),
- timeFormat (formats time from three drop-down menu variables into single variable where the three values are separated with a colon),
- shoeWearBar (chooses color of Shoe Wear Bar from total distance covered in each shoe),
- shoeBrands (prints all shoe brands for drop-down menus).
Files affected: system/functions.php.
Date of change: 20.2.2005
Run 0.7.2
Pace calculator: added an option to enter per kilometer pace, distance, and desired split intervals. Splits calculator outputs split times at desired distance intervals.
Files affected: pace.php, splits.php.
Date of change: 12.1.2005
Shoe management: Shoe Wear Bar gets an addition: below the bar 0 and 800 are now displayed, so that it is really is straightforward for runners to see what the bar means. Also the bar is now 2 px thicker and the Shoe Management window opens up 80 px higher than previously.
Files affected: shoesactive.php, shoesretired.php, system/navigation.
Date of change: 9.1.2005
Shoe management: Shoe Wear Bar added to display color-coded wear of both active and retired shoes.
Files affected: shoesactive.php, shoesretired.php.
Date of change: 4.1.2005
Shoe management: when adding a new shoe, Run now checks if a shoe with the same name already exists. If the shoe with the same name exists a warning message is displayed and nothing gets written in the database.
Files affected: shoesadd.php.
Date of change: 4.1.2005
Run 0.7.1
Application: now only years since runner started using Run are displayed in the "year" dropdown menu in display.php. Data are pulled from each runner's table.
Files affected: display.php.
Date of change: 2.1.2005
Shoe management: removed "first run date" from "add new shoe," because it was not a logical field. added first run date check when viewing active and retired shoes instead.
Files affected: shoesadd.php, shoesactive.php, shoesretired.php.
Date of change: 2.1.2005
Shoe management/Run: now table Shoe is hidden from the initial login screen.
Files affected: index.php.
Date of change: 19.12.2004
Shoe management: changed wording from "Delete Entry" to "Remove This Shoe."
Files affected: shoesedit.php.
Date of change: 19.12.2004
Shoe management bug: When editing a shoe (shoesedit.php), last run date for some shoes is not correct. Check how shoesedit.php gets this date. First of all, this is not a bug, but a problem with database entry from times when last run date wasn't checked from the runner's table, but was input manually. Problem resolved by overriding manually set values for all shoes with NULL value. All other shoes added after that date are not succeptible to this issue.
Files affected: none.
Date of change: 19.12.2004
Shoe management: added total distance covered per shoe for all retired shoes.
Files affected: shoesretired.php.
Date of change: 19.12.2004
Application: all shoes in the display data page are listed (display.php), active and retired. There is a delimiter noting which shoes are active and which retired. Active shoes are shown first. Option to display data for all shoes remains.
Files affected: display.php
Date of change: 19.12.2004
Application: added aditional access key (shortcuts). This time to various buttons that are used to seubmit/execute forms. Here's a general list: Submit - S, Wipe - W, Display - D, Calculate Time - T, Calculate Pace - P.
Files affected: logrun.php, edit.php, pace.php, shoesedit.php, shoesadd.php.
Date of change: 19.12.2004
Application: all buttons used to clear forms were renamed from Clear to Wipe. Also, access keys were assigned to all those buttons: Wipe - W.
Files affected: logrun.php, edit.php, shoesedit.php, shoesadd.php.
Date of change: 19.12.2004
Application: added meaningful access keys (shortcuts) to the following functionality: Log a Run - L, Refresh- R, Pace Calculator - P, Shoe Management - S, Logout - Q, Close - C to all popup windows to close them and Delete - D to delete the entry in edit mode (system/navigation.php, logrun.php, edit.php, pace.php, shoesedit.php, shoesadd.php, shoesactive.php, shoesretired.php). Access keys for shoe management are: Add New Shoe - N, Active Shoes - A, Retired Shoes - R.
Files affected: shoesactive.php, shoesadd.php, shoesretired.php, shoesedit.php.
Date of change: 11.12.2004
Log a Run: added "Tempo" and "Tempo Interval" to run types.
Files affected: logarun.php, edit.php.
Date of change: 11.12.2004
Shoe management: more shoe brands added.
Files affected: shoesedit.php, shoesadd.php.
Date of change: 2.12.2004
Run 0.7
Log a Run: changed edit.php so that user now gets a dropdown menu instead of a textbox for shoe input.
Files affected: edit.php.
Date of change: 19.11.2004
Log a Run: Changed JavaScript open window function for logarunWindow in system/navigation.php so that Log a Run window opens wider and taller.
Files affected: system/navigation.php.
Date of change: 19.11.2004
Log a Run: Changed JavaScript open window function for editWindow in display.php so that Edit an Entry window opens winder and taller - same as logrun.php.
Files affected: edit.php.
Date of change: 19.11.2004
Log a Run: Changed wording in Log a Run and Edit an Entry windows. Was "Average Heart Rate", which is now "Average HR."
Files affected: logrun.php, edit.php.
Date of change: 19.11.2004
Log a Run: Changed the width and height of textarea box for notes. Was 3 rows high and 20 cols wide, which is now 4 rows high and 30 cols wide.
Files affected: logarun.php, edit.php.
Date of change: 19.11.2004
Shoe management: Retired shoes are now displayed in descending order by date of the last run - newer shoes first, oldest last.
Files affected: shoesretired.php.
Date of change: 19.11.2004
Main display window: Changed display.php so that only active shoes are listed from Shoes table and not all distinct shoes from the runner's table.
Files affected: display.php
Date of change: 17.11.2004
Log a Run: Changed logrun.php so that user does not have to type names of their shoes manually; names of all active shoes are listed in a dropdown menu.
Files affected: logrun.php.
Date of change: 17.11.2004
Shoe Management:Added shoe management set of files: shoesactive.php, shoesretired.php, shoesadd.php, shoesedit.php.
Files affected: shoesactive.php, shoesretired.php, shoesadd.php, shoesedit.php.
Date of change: 13.-17.11.2004
Run: Added a new table Shoe for Shoe Management functionality to database Run.
Files affected: none.
Date of change: 13.-17.11.2004
Configuration: Updated system/configuration file so that users can set custom name for their table where shoe information is stored.
Files affected: system/configuration.
Date of change: 13.-17.11.2004
Run 0.6.2
Log a Run: Added "Fog" to weather options.
Files affected: logrun.php, edit.php.
Date of change: 13.11.2004
Stylesheet/Application: Set top margin value for in style.css to 0; changed all files to reflect this change.
Files affected: style.css, logrun.php, edit.php, display.php, pace.php.
Date of change: 13.11.2004
Run: Changed