How to Use Run
If you want to know how to set up and use Run, you've come to the right place. In this part of the site all Run user manuals are located.
A few words about Run manual structure that will give you a basic idea about how this manual is organized.
- Before You Set Up Run. Here you will find out about Run requirements; what you need to use Run and where you will find it.
- Installing and Configuring. In this section you'll find detailed instructions on how to set up Run on your computer/server and how to configure it.
- Upgrading Run. If you are already using Run and just want to upgrade to a newer version, read this to find out how to do it.
- Using Run. After you have installed and configured Run, this part of the manual will come most handy since it is here that you will find all about Run's features. Despite Run's ease of use and self-explanatory features, you might want to check what exactly does that Splits Calculator do, or what does that item in the Log a Run drop-down menu mean.
If there's a feature or an enhancement of a feature that you would like to see in Run, please tell me about and I'll include it in the roadmap. You can reach me via email at mladenz at users dot sourceforge dot net