Main Run Display
After you log in, you are taken to your main Run display window where all your running data is accessible and at the same time presents a gateway to all Run functionality.

Roughly, the main Run display window is made of three elements:
- the navigation bar at top,
- display data for selected period utility in the upper right corner, and
- your running data on the rest of the page.
The Navigation Bar
The Run navigation bar is located at the top of the main display window. It is the gateway to all Run functionality and via that bar you can:
- Log all your running activity. To log your runs click Log a Run in the navigation bar.
- Access pace and splits calculators: tools that are essential for planning and developing your racing strategy. Open pace and splits calculator by clicking Pace Calculator in the navigation bar.
- Access shoe management that provides you with all information about your active and retired shoes, including when a pair needs replacement. Open shoe management by clicking Shoe Management in the navigation bar.
- Use the refresh link in the navigation bar to refresh the currently displayed data and thus see all the changes that have been made.
- And finally, use logout link to leave Run.
Display Data for Selected Period
When you log in to Run, Run will by default display your running data for the current month. It is obvious that you'll from time to time want to check your past running activity, and that's the purpose of Run, after all. That's what you'll use the display data for selected period utility for.
This simple but useful utility is located in the upper right corner of the main display window. You can choose to view your data by different categories: chronologically and by shoes you used.
For instance, if you only want to view your data for February 2005:
- select 02 from the month drop-down menu,
- select 2005 from the year drop-down menu, and
- click the Display button to view the data.
If for instance, you'd like to view your data for February 2005 and only for a certain pair of shoes:
- select 02 from the month drop-down menu,
- select 2005 form the year drop-down menu,
- from the shoes drop-down menu, select the shoes for which you want to view all activity for the selected period, and
- click the Display button to view the data.
As you will notice, shoes drop-down menu lists all your shoes, active and retired. For more information about changing the activity of a shoe pair, see Shoe Management.
Your Running Data
The majority of the main display page in Run is taken up by details of your running activity.
As you will see, all your running activities are presented in a table. The header row of this table lists all data categories and each subsequent row presents one running activity. These runs are sorted in ascending chronological order from the first to the last day of the displayed period.
At the very bottom of the table there are two totals displayed that summarize your activity for the selected period: total amount of time you ran in hours, minutes and seconds and total distance you have covered in that time.
Editing Data
If you want to edit an entry, on the main Run display page simply click the date when the activity you'd like to edit took place and Edit an Entry window will open. This window looks exactly the same as a Log a Run window does. The only difference is that in the Edit and Entry all the data is already filled in, so you only have to change or add new information about that run.
After you have edited what you intended to edit, click Submit button to save your changes.
Deleting Data
In case you want to remove a certain entry in Run, on the main Run display page click the date of activity you want to remove (just like you would if you'd like to edit that entry) and Edit an Entry window will open. Once that window is opened, locate the Delete This Entry link below the form and click it. A warning window will open asking you to confirm the action. Click OK, and that entry will be removed form the database.
Be careful when deleting data, because you won't be able to recover deleted entries.