Upgrading Run
In this section you will find all the neccessary information if you are already using Run and just want to upgrade to a newer version.
Upgrading from to
To upgrade from Run to Run you only have to copy files from the directory Run- into the directory from which you are currently using Run.
Upgrading from 0.8 to
To upgrade from 0.8 to, you can copy just display.php file to an already existing Run location on your server.
Upgrading from 0.7.3 to 0.8
To upgrade from Run 0.7.3 to Run 0.8 you have to copy files from the directory Run-0.8 into the directory from which you are currently using Run. Make sure you keep your old system/configuration.php file.
After you have copied those files point your browser to Install/Upgrade073-08.php. This is a script that will restructure your old Run database so that it will conform with the new functionallity. This script will also move all your existing data to newly crated tables. Nothing will be deleted, so you do not have to worry if this upgrade doesn't work for you.
Upgrading from 0.7.2 to 0.7.3
To upgrade from Run 0.7.2 to Run 0.7.3 you have to copy files from the directory Run-0.7.3 into the directory from which you are currently using Run.
Since there has been a minor change in the table structure where data about shoes are stored, execute a php script that will do the job for you. For your convenience the script is located in the following folder [your Run directory]/mysql/MysqlUpdates073.php. Open this location in your browser and if you see a message "Tables have been successfully updated. You can now remove this file." it means that everything went smoothly and it is recommended that you delete this script (along with the directory).
Upgrading from 0.7.1 to 0.7.2
To upgrade from Run 0.7.1 to Run 0.7.2 you only have to copy files from the directory Run-0.7.2 into the directory from which you are currently using Run.
Upgrading from 0.7 to 0.7.1
To upgrade from Run 0.7 to Run 0.7.1 you only have to copy files from the directory Run-0.7.1 into the directory from which you are currently using Run.
Upgrading from 0.6.1 to 0.7
Quite a few major functionality changes have been made between versions 0.6.1 and 0.7. Besides copying files from the directory Run-0.7 into the directory form which you are currently using Run, you will also have to create a new table in the Run database that is used for Shoe Management functionality in Run.
Here's the extract from the Installing and Configuring Run section of this manual describing how to create the table for managing shoes in Run:
Shoe management table. Next you will have to create a table for the Run Shoe management functionality. This is the table where shoe usage information for all users is stored, so you do not have to create a new table for each runner - one such table is sufficient. MySQL table description for shoe management is outlined in a file Createshoestable in Install directory (Install/Createshoetable). To create table where shoes information will be stored, run the following command from the command line (again assuming that you are in the Install directory):
mysql Run < Createshoestable
NOTE: The default name of this table is Shoes. Although you can name this table as you like it, it is recommended that you leave the name at its default value. If you decide to change the name of this table, you will have to change the configuration file accordingly. For more information see second step (Configure Run) of section Installing and Configuring Run.