Using Run
Now that you have hopefully successfully installed or upgraded and configured Run, you've come to the fun part: using Run. This part explains how to use Run and reap the benefits by doing so.
Run being a web based application has from the end-user's perspective at least three major advantages over other running tools or training applications:
- it is easy to set up multiple accounts so that more than one user can benefit from using Run,
- it runs inside a web browser that any computer today has installed,
- Run can be integrated into an already existing website (a running portal, or your personal website)
- on top of that it takes practically no time to learn how to use it, since almost everyone is familiar with web-like interfaces.
Inspite of this last advantage, there are several conventions behind the interface which should be explained. Another point that should be stressed here is that although a lot of people are running, not everyone is familiar with the terminology that is associated with running. That's why this part of Run manual will also deleve a bit deeper and explain some running stuff along the way that might come handy to those who are not that familiar with running yet. Which means that Run manual is more than just a manual for this application and you can use it as such.
Run does not include any obscure terms, so most things are self-explanatory, but whenever you bump into something you do not understand, you can consult this part of the Run manual to find out what it means or why is it good to keep track of something. And if you still find something that is not completely clear, feel free to contact me. You can find the contact information on the Contact page.
First time users
If you are using Run for the first time, you might find the information below helpful. To access Run, open a browser of your choice and in the address bar type the address where either you have set up Run or the address of the server where Run is located. For example, you could have Run at the following address: or if you have set up Run on a local computer that address might also be http://localhost/run.
Now depending on the site-specific Run setup, two different things might show up when you point your browser to that address:
- If you have set up user authentication on your server (.htaccess), a pop-up window will ask you for your username and password combination to enter Run. Enter your username and password to proceed. If have you entered the correct combination, you will be taken to the Run Login page where you will be asked to enter your Run username and password.
- If you haven't configured user authentication (.htaccess), you will see the front page (Login screen) for Run. If this is your first time using Run, before you can start using Run, you will have to create at least one runner account.
To create a runner account, log in as an Administrator with the following information:
Username: Administrator
Password: adminOnce logged in, the first thing you should do is change the Administrator's password from its default value to prevent misuse. To do this, click Settings link in the navigation and a pop-up window will open where you will be asked to enter the new password.
After you have changed the default password, you will have to create runners' accounts. To do so click Add New Runner link in the navigation and enter all information to create a new runner. Once you have created at least one runner, you or that runner can start using Run. Log out from the Run Administrative interface by clicking Logout in the navigation and once you are on the Run Login page enter your username and password to log in as a runner.
When you successfully log in you will be taken to the main display window in Run that shows (or will show) your data for the current month.
If this is your first time using Run, before logging your first run, you'll have to use the Shoe Management to first add at least one pair of shoes. Only after adding at least one pair of shoes will you be able to log your runs properly. However you can log your runs without shoe information if you choose to do so.