Run Development Roadmap

The most recent version of Run as this is written (0.7.2) is already a very stable one. However, Run at the current state has only a part of planned or at least intended functionality implemented. This is alright for now, since Run is despite its stability an application that's still in its infancy. Thus the purpose of this roadmap is to outline major additions and to put those additions in some kind of implementation timeline.

In the past several months there have been quite a few functionality additions and enhancements implemented in Run. Among which the most important are definitely Shoe Management and Splits Calculator. However, there are lots of other functions or enhancements that will still be implemented. Read below about everything that's comming up in Run.

And since Run is all about you and your running, I would greatly appreciate all your comments on its current state and what features would you like to see in the future. Drop me a line: mladenz at users dot sourceforge dot net.


When completed, Run will be runner's premium training tool. With the help of Run you will be able to train smarter, track and measure your progress easier, recognize your fitness patterns and avoid the most commonly overlooked causes of injuries.

In the RunLab

Below is a list of features or functionalities that are in the RunLab at this very moment. You can expect to see everything listed below to be part of the next Run release.

What Can You Expect Soon?

So what are the other most eagerly expected features already on the drawing board (and some of which also might already be in the RunLab). Here's a list of what you can expect in the next few releases of Run.

Longterm development

In this section I will only briefly describe some of the upcoming Run features, but won't give any fixed time estimates on when they will be developed. I'll just say, that hopefully you'll be able to try them out (maybe even just as ideas that won't be integrated in Run just yet) by the end of 2005. But don't hold your breath on these.